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Textile Fair strengthens India-Taiwan trade relations

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-11-06 09:16:28  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
The Taiwan Textile Fair, a three-day event showcasing the latest textile products from Taiwan, has commenced at Epicenter, the cultural center in Gurgoan, near India’s capital New Delhi. 
The international textile fair is being organized by the Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF) and Taiwan’s Bureau of Foreign Trade, and is part of the fairs organized across South Asia.
Several leading textile companies from Taiwan are participating in the fair, which provides ample opportunities for them to display their innovative fabrics and accessories for the Indian apparel market, according to TTF.
Indian apparel market is growing at a pace of 10 percent per annum and TTF provides opportunity for the market to grow further, TTF said.
The textile fair provides a business platform to Taiwanese textile firms to establish long-term trade associations and tie-ups with apparel and textile manufacturers from India.
The fair acts as a platform for Taiwanese textile companies to interact and connect with the textile and garment manufacturers, importers, exporters, buyers, merchandise and retailers in India. 
In the Taiwan Textile Fair, 17 companies are exhibiting their products such as functional fabrics, knitted fabric, woven fabric, textured fabric, cotton yarn & grey fabric, innerwear fabric, sports & golf Polo fabric, denim & hosiery machines, lace & embroidery fabric, spandex fabric, jersey fabric, and mesh & brushed fabrics.
Source: Fibre2fashion
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