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Lee's new 360 Degree campaign 'Free Your Night Side'

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-11-06 09:19:26  来源:WPP 收藏
A WPP company and denim brand Lee and Ogilvy & Mather Shanghai announced the launch of a new 360 Degree campaign, “Free Your Night Side,” which celebrates the freedom to express oneself at night when wearing Lee’s Night Skins jeans. Produced by a 360 team in Shanghai from O&M Advertising, OgilvyOne, Ogilvy Public Relations and Neo@Ogilvy, the integrated campaign brings together social media and e-commerce, a mobile app, in-store, outdoor and print ads, video and photo content, and a live, interactive theatre event.

For the event Lee invited 30 of China’s top bloggers and celebrities to a fashion party at a converted warehouse in Beijing’s famous 798 art district. Unbeknownst to the bloggers, they played out a 45- minute scripted performance with the other 100 attendees, who were actually professional actors. Upon entering the party, the bloggers experienced various night scenes including stepping into multiple rooms with magic mirrors, starring in a high-energy choreographed dance sequence, getting psycho-analyzed by doctors and nurses, playing poker where China’s top card magician only dealt them winning hands, and recording their own music track with the help of a leading producer in a studio...

Hidden cameras captured each blogger and celebrity’s journey through the night as they experienced funny and unexpected situations. The footage was used to create a collection of short online videos that were distributed via Lee’s branded Weibo, campaign website(Lee.tudou.com)and Tudou pages, as well as via the bloggers’ own social media channels. The art, music and fashion shots from the experience were also crafted into branded picture content. All the actors were dressed in apparel from Lee’s new 2012 autumn and winter collections, which are viewable in greater detail on the campaign website and linked to the brand’s Taobao e-commerce site for purchase.

Lee further enlisted Eddie Peng, a famous Taiwanese actor, to appear in photos in various situations that showed his night side expression. An accompanying postcard that encouraged a wider audience to “free their night side” was released via social media and a free iPhone app. This was complimented with viral video content of the star revealing his true night side and encouraging consumers to do the same via the online platforms.

Neil Pryde, Marketing Director for Lee Asia Pacific, said,“Lee wanted to connect and engage with our consumers through a totally integrated campaign with digital and social being the heartbeat of the ideation, creative development and execution. This campaign was a close-knit collaboration between us and Ogilvy.”

"The idea helped people explore a different side to their character that they may not have been aware of before,” said Graham Fink, Chief Creative Officer of Ogilvy & Mather China. “This was only made possible because of a client that was forward thinking, brave and open to innovation, and hugely supportive from conception to final delivery.”

"Free Your Night Side” will run from September-December 2012 in mainland China, while select campaign elements will be deployed across Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

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文章关键词: Lee  360 Degree campaign  denim brand 


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