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Textile professionals plan for new opportunities at Yiwu

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-11-08 08:44:28  来源:YIWU S&G 2012 收藏
The 2nd China (Yiwu) International Exhibition on Automatic Garment Machinery & Sewing Equipment ("YIWU S&G 2012") will be grandly held on Nov 27 - 30, 2012 at Yiwu International Expo Centre, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, PR China. The 13th China (Yiwu) International Exhibition on Hosiery, Knitting, Dyeing & Finishing Machinery (YIWU H&G 2012) will be held concurrently.
Facing the rising production costs, China's textile and garment industry are encountering difficulties in export. 
According to the data from Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, Jan - June 2012, export of textile and garment grow at a rate of 1.3% and 1.9% respectively, which decline by 0.1% and 2% respectively compared with 1st quarter of 2012. 
Meanwhile, the testing standard for textile industry is higher this year, GB18401-2010 (National General Safety Technical Code for Textile Products) is effective in China, export countries including Japan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, USA, E.U, etc. have imposed strict technical standard on textile products.  Besides, the emerging of fast-fashion brands like H&M, Zara affects the clothing industry in China. 
How will enterprises overcome the difficulties and find a way to further develop? This year, a series of concurrent activities will be held to address these hot topics. Many industry experts will gather at Yiwu and explore the solutions of how China's clothing and garment enterprises can overcome difficulties and constraints and develop new opportunities.
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