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BASF Chongqing MDI plant to start operation in 2014

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-11-09 09:56:29  来源:Chemicals-technology.com 收藏

"The Chongqing MDI project is under construction and it is expected to start operation in 2014." The vice chairman of Board of Executive Directors of BASF told on Tuesday Nov.6, 2012 when BASF held inauguration for its Asia Pacific innovation center in Pudong, Shanghai.

BASF has started building its newly approved methyl di-p-phenylene isocyanate (MDI) complex at Changshou Economic and Technological Development Zone in Chongqing.

The Chinese government gave its approval in late March 2011, four years after BASF and Chongqing signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the complex.

A groundbreaking ceremony was held in Chongqing on 11 April, according to a statement issued from the company.

However, the construction encountered crisis in last October under the suspicion of illegal construction.

BASF's new facility has a total investment of RMB 8billion ($1.22 billion) and will consist of a 400,000 tons MDI plant, a nitrobenzene plant and an aniline plant, according to the company.

The capacities of the nitrobenzene plant and the aniline plant are 400,000 tons and 300,000 tons respectively, said an official from the development zone early this year.

BASF has another MDI facility at Caojing in Shanghai with capacity of 160,000 tons, in light of PUdaily data.

Elsewhere in the world, BASF has MDI production facilities at Antwerp, Belgium, Louisiana, US and Yeosu,South Korea.

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