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Chinese incomes see rapid growth

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-11-12 08:38:52  来源:CNTV.cn 收藏

Chinese incomes grew quite rapidly from 2002 to 2011. Last year, per capita disposable income for China's urban residents reached more than 21,000 yuan, an 180 percent increase over 2002. On average, each urban Chinese resident has seen his or her disposable income rose over 10,000 yuan in last decade.

Meanwhile, per capita net income of Chinese rural residents in 2011 exceeded 6,900 yuan, growing 160 percent from 10 years ago. The growth in the incomes of rural residents has outpaced their urban counterparts for two years straight. By the end of 2011, more than 20 million urban residents and over 50 million rural residents received subsistence allowances issued by the government.

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