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AWI welcomes patron of Global Campaign for Wool

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-11-14 09:25:02  来源:Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) 收藏
At an exclusive event held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) warmly welcomed the patron of the Global Campaign for Wool, HRH Prince of Wales.

HRH Prince of Wales greeted the public on the forecourt of the Museum of Contemporary Art before being introduced to AWI Chairman, Wal Merriman and CEO, Stuart McCullough who escorted him to the 6th floor of the Museum where over one hundred of the wool industry and fashion industry mingled awaiting his arrival.

Included in the line up were some of Australia's most prominent designers, all supporters of the Campaign for Wool, Camilla and Marc, Akira Isogawa, Dion Lee, Josh Goot and Ellery who showcased their designs to HRH The Prince of Wales. Special guests also included three North Ashrose Merino sheep and a bottle-fed lamb from South Australia who will be grazing on the balcony overlooking Sydney's famous harbour.

Now in its 3rd year, The Campaign for Wool, of which HRH Prince of Wales is a patron, is being celebrated on an unprecedented global scale with more countries than ever before creating their own program of activity to celebrate 'Wool Week'.

With the next phase of the Campaign for Wool focussed on education, year 10 student and winner of the Wool4skool design competition, Brooke Pearce showcased her wool outfit and briefly met with HRH The Prince of Wales.

Peter Ackroyd, Executive of The Campaign for Wool who was in attendance commented, "Since its inception The Campaign for Wool has captured the imagination of both the fashion and design industries, and the public. With the support of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, it has been instrumental in driving a new demand for wool, the world's favored renewable and versatile fiber, and I'm delighted to see its continued growth in 2012 and beyond."

"We are very pleased to be given this opportunity to meet with HRH Prince of Wales and present some of our important Campaign for Wool partners," explained Stuart McCullough, AWI CEO. "With the support and endorsement of it patron, the global Campaign for Wool continues to connect to consumers around the world highlighting the benefits of wool in apparel and interiors."

The Campaign for Wool was launched in 2010 to educate consumers about the benefits of wool and promote wool-predominant products to an international audience to help support and grow the wool industry. Run by a coalition of industry groups convened by HRH The Prince of Wales, the campaign works to engage consumers through exciting fashion, interiors, artisan and design lead activities centering around Wool Week each year.

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文章关键词: AWI  welcome patron  Wool Campaign 


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