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Australian wool growers vote to maintain AWI’s 2% levy

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-11-20 08:49:52  来源:Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) 收藏
Australian woolgrowers have voted to maintain the two per cent levy on wool sales to fund research, development and marketing of the natural fibre.

In total, 60.94% of all possible woolgrower votes were cast as part of WoolPoll 2012, the biggest return since the triennial vote began 12 years ago. This compares to 53.7% of votes returned in 2009.

Announcing the results, Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) Chief Executive Officer, Stuart McCullough thanked woolgrowers for getting behind the poll.

"This is a very high level of return for a voluntary vote. WoolPoll 2012 has set a new benchmark for our industry, with highest ever outcome for both votes and voters,” he added.

Mr McCullough said the outcome gave AWI the opportunity to continue the progress made in recent years across all areas of the organisation but emphasised how levies would always be managed responsibly and prudently to deliver outcomes for all growers.

As in previous Polls, eligible levy payers were invited to select their preferred levy option from 0, 1, 2, 2.5 and 3 per cent.

Mr McCullough acknowledged the efforts of Will Roberts, Chairman of the WoolPoll Panel.

WoolPoll follows strict guidelines set out in the WoolPoll Regulations as an independent, democratic process. The results have been certified by the Returning Officer from Link Market Services Limited.

Full details of the WoolPoll vote will be presented to the AWI AGM this Friday the 23rd of November, having first been presented to the AWI Board as per due process.

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文章关键词: Australian wool grower  AWI  2% levy 


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