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Chinese Textile Industry Has Developed 1,509 Advanced Standards

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-04 08:53:24  来源:China Textile Leader 收藏

The textile industry has made great progress in improving quality and completing quality standard system, and up to now, it has developed 1,509 advanced textile standards, said Gao Yong, Vice President of China National Textile and Apparel Council at the recently-held national conference on quality of textile industry.

According to the report delivered by Gao Yong, there are 38 state-approved in-house technical centers in the textile industry. The overall labor productivity in 2010 reached CNY 110,000/labor, increased by 0.1 times compared to 2005. The analysis on the candidate enterprises competing for quality prize in 2012 shows that the average investment in R & D of these enterprises covers 3.67% of their revenue, new product to total output value ratio reaches 50% and profit rate is up to 8.87%, far higher than the industry´s average.

Information technology has become the powerhouse for the development of enterprises. There are near 2,000 production lines in the garment sector, the equipment renewal rate has surpassed 60%. Most of the machines are less than 20 years old, while 10-year-old machines cover 50%. 53% of the enterprises have passed social responsibility authentication and related management system authentication.

On the conference, a number of enterprises won the quality prize of textile industry and several other enterprises were awarded the title of "Advanced Enterprise of the Textile Industry in Implementing Performance Excellence Model".

Gao Yong said that giving awards to these enterprises is to encourage textile enterprises to positively adopt Performance Excellence Model and learn how to improve their performance and competitiveness through adopting scientific management concept, methods and models.

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