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China apparel and home textile independent brand building achievement released

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-05 08:33:14  来源:CTEI 收藏

On November 22nd, 2012, China apparel and home textile brand building achievement conference was held in the Great Hall of People in Beijing.“China apparel and home textile brand development report ( 2012)”and the list of own brand enterprises were issued. The enterprises were tracked and nurtured by Ministry of industry and information technology and China National Textile and Apparel Council. The launching ceremony of China textile and apparel brands net was also held.

"China National Textile and Apparel Council brand development report ( 2012)”was the first thematic report, which was reflecting the overview of home textile and apparel brands. Around developing process, current situation as well as the next developing trend of own brand enterprises, systematic, in-depth and comprehensive research was made. The review included fundamental condition of home textile and apparel industry, own brand developing process and types. Summary of own brands overview and analysis on quality, innovation, rapid response, culture, channel, service platform and other brand elements in the development status section. The analysis of market space at home and abroad in the market situation section. The analysis of the external environment from public opinion, market order, policy measures in the social environment section. The analysis of situation and prospects of development trend in the development outlook section. It pointed out the development direction of home textile and apparel brands.

Since the reform and opening up, there are more than 30 years of rapid developing. China home textile and apparel industry grows from product’s age, quality’s age to brand’s age. The construction of own brands has entered fully, fast developing new era. The home textile and apparel brands are growing both in number and in size, has become the main body of the market. The internationalization of brands has already underway. Own brand has become the most important and intangible property. The contribution rate and influence of brands are enhancing year by year. At present, the apparel industry has a large number of independent brands, including more than 2000 active brands, 87 China famous brands and 262 famous Chinese trademarks. China textile industry has experienced a period of rapid development time from small scale to a complete range of variety. A large number of independent brands, including 75 famous Chinese trademarks and 38 China famous brands.

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文章关键词: apparel  home textile  brand building 


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