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Zuoan Fashion posts 12.1% hike in Q3 revenues

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-07 08:49:09  来源:Zuoan Fashion 收藏
Zuoan Fashion Limited a leading design-driven fashion casual menswear company in China, today announced its financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2012.

James Hong, Founder, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "Our revenue growth was a result of increased distributor sales volumes as well as increased sales volume from our direct stores.  We came in slightly below our third quarter top line revenue forecast largely due to an inventory shipment delay to distributors of approximately RMB58.8 million, resulting in a shift in revenue recognition to the fourth quarter instead of our third quarter”. 

Third Quarter 2012 Financial Performance

Revenue for the third quarter was RMB476.3 million ($75.8 million), a 12.1% increase from RMB424.8 million ($67.6 million) in the same period last year.  The increase in revenue was driven by both distributor and direct store sales volume. Third quarter distributor sales increased 11.3% to RMB450.2 million compared to RMB404.4 million in the third quarter of 2011.

Third quarter 2012 self-operated direct store and flagship store sales were RMB26.1 million compared to RMB20.4 million in the prior year period. A total of 49 distributor and sub-distributor stores and 2 direct stores were opened in the third quarter of 2012, offset by the closing of 93 unproductive, older distributor and sub-distributor stores, resulting in a total of 1,289 store locations at the end of September 30, 2012 compared to 1,331 store locations at the end of June 2012.

Cost of sales increased 6.8% to RMB252.7 million ($40.2 million) in the third quarter of 2012 from RMB236.6 million ($37.7 million) in the same quarter of 2011, primarily as a result of the increase in sales volume. As a percentage of revenues, cost of sales decreased to 53.1% in the third quarter of 2012 from 55.7% in the third quarter of 2011.

Gross profit in the third quarter increased 18.8% year over year to RMB223.6 million ($35.6 million) from RMB188.1 million ($29.9 million) in the same period of 2011.  Third quarter 2012 gross profit margin was 46.9% compared to 44.3% in the same period last year. 

Third quarter 2012 gross margin increased primarily due to greater sales from the Company's higher margin self-operated direct stores and flagship stores. Gross margin at the Company's self-operated direct stores and flagship stores was 65.4% and 73.0%, respectively.   Combined gross margin at Company self-operated locations was 72.1%.

Selling and distribution expenses in the third quarter were RMB84.1 million ($13.4 million), or 17.7% of revenue, compared to RMB46.6 million ($7.4 million), or 11.0% of revenue in the same period last year.  This percentage increase was primarily due to the increase in store expansion related rental charges and direct store expenses, advertising and promotion expenses, and costs of renovation and fittings of distributors' new and existing stores.

Administrative expenses in the third quarter were RMB14.0 million ($2.2 million), or 2.9% of revenue, compared to RMB15.6 million ($2.5 million), 3.7% of revenue in the same period last year. This percentage decrease was primarily a result of the decrease in equity-settled employee benefit costs.

The effective tax rate in the third quarter decreased to 25.6% compared to 26.6% in the prior year period.

Net income for the third quarter increased 0.7% to RMB92.8 million ($14.8 million) from RMB92.2 million ($14.7 million) in the same period last year.  Third quarter net income as a percentage of revenue was 19.5% compared to 21.7% in the prior year period.

Diluted earnings per ordinary share was RMB0.83 ($0.13) in the third quarter of 2012, equivalent to RMB3.34 ($0.53) per ADS, compared to diluted earnings per ordinary share RMB0.83 ($0.13) in the third  quarter of 2011, equivalent to RMB3.31 ($0.53) per ADS. The Company's diluted number of shares outstanding was 111.3 million in the third quarter ended September 30, 2012.

Financial Outlook

For the fourth quarter of 2012, the Company currently anticipates revenue in the range of RMB352-RMB372 million ($56.0 - $59.2 million), gross margin of approximately 44-46%, net income of approximately RMB43.7 - RMB47.8 million ($7.0 - $7.6 million) and basic and fully diluted EPS of approximately RMB0.39 ($0.06) - RMB0.43 ($0.07).  The Company expects to have approximately 111.3 million shares (27.8 million ADSs) outstanding during the quarter ending December 31, 2012.

Approximately 40 new retail stores and 2 flagship stores are expected to be opened by distributors and sub-distributors in of the fourth quarter of 2012.

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