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Korean toluene prices up last week

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-10 09:25:25  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
Toluene prices increased in Korea in the week ending December 1, due to strong downstream demand.

In the initial days of last week, prices were at US$ 1305/ton higher by US$ 60/ton, as compared to the same period of the previous week. Speculators assessed the spot prices of Toluene in the range of US$ 1305-1320/ton FOB Korea.

Toluene prices were hovering around US$ 1100 FOB Korea in the Korean market in the month of December last year. Prices showed an upward trend till March this year and went up by 2% to 6% MoM.

However prices inched down by 0.8% to 13.9% on a MoM basis in the three months period starting from April and were assessed around US$ 1020 – 1220/ton. Prices moved up from July 2012 and showed an increase of 2% to 5.4% MoM since then.

Higher upstream product prices and strong downstream demand supported the price rise.

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