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Roberto Cavalli to double its presence in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-12 08:49:13  来源:Roberto Cavalli 收藏
Following the opening earlier this year of the first boutique in China at the Peninsula hotel in Beijing, the Italian luxury house doubles its presence with a second store in mainland China that will be open in December at the prestigious Plaza 66 in Shanghai.

The boutique has a surface area of 140 square meters. It embodies the modern elegance and glamour of the Cavalli world, representing the Maison’s innovative "global fashion store” concept, already featured in other Cavalli stores located in major cities of the world like Hong Kong, London, Paris, Madrid, Tokyo and New York.

The boutique has been created using the finest materials, many of which are produced in Italy exclusively for Roberto Cavalli.

The new store will be entirely dedicated to Women, with the full range of prêt-à-porter collections, accessories and eyewear collections. The layout of the space has been specifically designed in such a way to emphasize the various product categories present in the store.

Plaza 66 represents one of the most important shopping destinations in China and this opening follows a clear strategy that Roberto Cavalli has implemented in the penetration of this crucial market.

"Shanghai is one of the most fascinating cities in the world. As the largest city in China, its architecture and culture are absolutely amazing … the femininity and beauty of Shanghai women has always inspired me … now my fashion and my style will be accessible to more and more …” Roberto Cavalli

Launched in the early 1970s, the Roberto Cavalli Group is one of the most renowned and respected “Made in Italy” brands due to the creativity and stylistic innovation that has always distinguished its clothes, its shoes and its bags.

The Roberto Cavalli Group is active on Italian and international markets with the first line "Roberto Cavalli", with the casual and young line "Just Cavalli", with the signature line "CLASS Roberto Cavalli"and a younger collection for teens "Roberto Cavalli Junior".

All of these collections, dedicated to both women and men, are complemented by a wide range of products manufactured by licensees, which include among others: silk and cashmere accessories, eyewear, watches, perfumes, underwear and swimwear.

During 2012, Roberto Cavalli has also launched the line "Roberto Cavalli Home" featuring the Cavalli world in the fields of furniture, textiles, art-de-la-table, Murano glass, carpets, wallpaper and ceramics.

The products of Roberto Cavalli Group are distributed in Italy and worldwide through an extensive network of 156 flagship stores that counts: 86 Roberto Cavalli (of which 37 owned), 37 Just Cavalli boutiques, 26 CLASS Roberto Cavalli boutiques, 7 Roberto Cavalli Junior, as well as a wide network of multi-brand shops.

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