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China Textile City will build Central Business District

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-12 09:16:12  来源:CTEI 收藏

On the 26th of November, the seminar of China Textile City Central Business District ( CBD ) was held in Keqiao. It is reported, this is Keqiao’s most important work. 8 years later, the CBD will officially launch with the uniqueness, unification and advanced nature three features.

According to the plan, the CBD will be built into a high-grade large city complex building with business, office, finance and general services. It is particular that, the CBD is very popular, even the world 500 also needs three years to get the occupancy qualification. The domestic 500 enterprises for nearly three years, listed companies, the enterprises directly controlled by the central authorities, special national construction enterprises and top real estate enterprises were qualified separately. In addition, the county 50 strong industry, construction, business service, real estate 10 strong enterprises in 2011, investment enterprises of Shaoxing nationality, association, chamber of Commerce, the domestic industry association, China Textile City chambers of Commerce and others had been invited.

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