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UK apparel producers expect rise in demand

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-13 09:35:51  来源:GlobalTextiles 收藏

The UK garment manufacturers and retailers are hoping for a rise in demand for 'Made in UK’ garments and a recovery from its present downfall.

Mr. Ian Maclean, managing director of John Smedley, told fibre2fashion, "There is rise in demand for apparels ‘Made in UK’ since the clothes are of good quality."

"People are interested to purhase high quality garments that are durable and will last for years," he adds.

John Smedley is a luxury knitwear manufacturer based in the England’s Derbyshire. The company is well known for its Sea Island cotton and New Zealand merino wool. It has knitted collections of the leading fashion designers Vivienne Westwood and Paul Smith.

According to Crombie, the iconic British brand, the UK made product and craftsmanship is internationally renowned for holding a very high level of excellence. "For a British heritage brand such as Crombie, having production in the UK is pivotal to maintain quality and equity," Crombie said when queried by fibre2fashion.

"We also have a strong interest from our customers for products made in the UK and it is a great opportunity for us to support the country as well," he continues.

Crombie representative says, "Cost-wise, too, there is benefit in making in the UK."

With 200 years of experience in garment manufacturing, Crombie is well-known for its timeless classic 'Crombie Coats' worldwide. Other Crombie products include shirts, t-shirts, trousers, skirts, tops, formal wears, bow ties, gloves, hats, scarves, handkerchiefs, socks, etc.

Debenhams, a leading international retailer, is planning to boost the clothing and home textiles made exclusively in the UK by launching a new bespoke brand 'Made in Great Britons'.

"We have some of the best clothing manufacturers in the world, and we want to see their products in our stores. Our new brand will appear on anything we source from the UK," says Suzanne Harlow, Debenhams' group trading director.

Debenhams is a multi-channel brand with 240 stores across 28 countries and it has been investing in British designs for 20 years through its exclusive designers including Julien McDonald, Jane Packer, Ashley Thomas and Matthew Williamson.

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文章关键词: apparel producer  demand 


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