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Dystar to concentrate textile chemical output at Nanjing

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-18 08:51:09  来源:Dystar 收藏
In order to strengthen its manufacturing capability for textile chemicals, DyStar plans to transfer the production from its plant in Hangzhou to the multi-purpose manufacturing site in Nanjing.

The state-of-the-art plant in Nanjing started the production of dyes in 2006, meeting DyStar’s high global standards of quality, occupational safety and environmental protection. Since then it has been expanded and almost 14.000 tons of textile dyes are now produced in Nanjing each year. The plan for next year is to increase production to about 20.000 tons.

This transfer will allow for increased scope in terms of chemical synthesis together with strict quality control in the extensive laboratory facilities. “Moving the production to Nanjing is an important step in the modernization of our production facilities. It allows us to offer the highest quality standards to our customers” says Simon Collinson, Sales Area Manager for China, Taiwan and Korea.

During the last few years DyStar has been strongly focused on measuring and improving its environmental and social performance and for the last two years has published an annual sustainability report. “We are committed to fulfilling our corporate responsibilities to our shareholders, our employees and other stakeholders. This latest step is another milestone on our journey to sustainability” states Harry Dobrowolski, CEO of the DyStar Group.

The production transfer is planned for the second half of 2013.

DyStar, with a heritage of over 100 years of both product and application innovation, was founded in 1995 as a coloration specialist for the textile and leather industries. Since then, the company has transformed itself into a solution provider, offering customers a complete range of colorants, auxiliaries and services. 

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