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Yarn Expo Spring expo to debut on March 27

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-21 09:00:58  来源:Messe Frankfurt 收藏

Yarn Expo Spring, the China International Trade Fair for Fibres and Yarns, will debut its 10th edition at a new venue in Beijing, China. The 2013 show will take place from 27 – 29 March 2013 at the National Agriculture Exhibition Center. Suppliers will be showcasing their latest collection of yarn as well as natural and manmade fibres across two halls totalling over 6,000 sqm of space. 

National and regional pavilions are expected to also make a strong comeback to the fair. Texprocil, the export promotion body for India’s textile industry, led the organisation of the India pavilion at the spring show. The India pavilion is expected to occupy 321 sqm of space, an 88% increase from last year. A pavilion from Pakistan has also been confirmed for the fair.

Global demand for yarn continues to increase regardless of economic uncertainties
Current uncertainties in the global economy have not critically affected demand for yarn and fibres. According to a report by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation, world output for yarn has actually increased steadily for the first three quarters of 2012. Asia has led production thanks to the industry’s traditional powerhouses China, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Based on the report, China has had a phenomenal year with yarn output up 9.5%, while keeping reserved stock of yarns and fibres to virtually the same levels as 2011. And despite current instability, orders for yarn in Europe have increased by 0.3% compared to last year. 

Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd noted, “The continued growth in demand for yarn and fibres can be explained by the increase in consumer demand for garments, home and technical textiles in general in Asia. China, as most people know, is still witnessing extraordinary growth. Yarn Expo will continue to provide the domestic and international market with all the latest styles and innovative technologies.”

Concurrent shows offer a comprehensive experience across the supply chain
Visitors attending Yarn Expo Spring will also have the chance to visit two concurring events, CHIC – China International Clothing and Accessories Fair, held from 26 – 29 March 2013 and Intertextile Beijing Apparel Fabrics from 27 – 29 March 2013. Combined, the three fairs will offer attendees the chance to grow their businesses even further and explore synergies between their specialties. 

Yarn Expo is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, the Sub-Council of Textile Industry – CCPIT, China Cotton Textile Association, China Wool Textile Association, China Chemical Fibres Association, China Bast & Leaf Fibres Textiles Association, and China Textile Information Centre. 
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