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Prada opens outlet in Jinan

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-21 09:04:42  来源:Prada 收藏
Prada opens its first boutique in Jinan, China, inside the Inzone department store. Designed by architect Roberto Baciocchi, the new store covers a single level floorspace of 640 square meters dedicated to women’s and men’s clothing, bags, accessories and footwear collections.

The imposing external façade, which pays tribute to artist Carlos Cruz-Diez, at its base shows a surface in black marble with big light boxes. A structure characterized by backlit golden and steel aluminium blades create an unusual kinetic effect of day and night lights, emphasized by the height and the different depths of the composition.

The internal storefront, embellished by black marble slabs and a regular geometry of polished steel profiles, has two entrances, light boxes and numerous shop windows.

In the areas dedicated to women’s and men’s bags and accessories, at the entrance of the shop, we find the distinguishing style elements of Prada stores worldwide: the chequered black and white Marquina marble flooring and walls panelled with pastel green fabric. The niches and the displays are enriched with polished steel profiles and saffiano cera leather or ebony wood shelves.

A refined and elegant space, with beige carpeting and green velvet couches, is the background to the women’s clothing and footwear collections, while the area dedicated to men, a space with decisively more regular shapes, shows ebony wood, polished steel, black saffiano leather and coypu-colour velvet sofas.

Prada wishes to express its admiration to the French-Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez, one of the leaders of the kinetic art movement, an innovative form of dynamic expression with strong visual impact.

Having always greatly appreciated Carlos Cruz-Diez and his contribution to this artistic genre, Prada intends to pay public tribute to his work of art which was the starting point in the development of the Prada Jinan boutique façade at Inzone, no. 66 Luoyuan Avenue, Lixia district, Jinan, P.R.China.

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