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Brief Analysis on Price Index (2012-12-24)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-25 09:08:14  来源:Keqiao Index 收藏

The summary on the recent fabrics market

Recently, the marketing in China textile city fluctuated and rose, marketable creative fabric of traditional markets have good market because of the new design and fashionable color and pattern. Some large stores’ s apparel orders are mainly from old customers.

The price index of issue 20121224 of “China • Keqiao Textile Index” closed at 105.63 points, 0.04% higher than that of last week. The price index declined 1.06% from the beginning of this year and down 0.84% from the same period of last year. In this issue, the price index of raw material, apparel fabrics and apparel accessories is upward in different degree, which pulls the general price index rebound slightly. Index of grey cloth, and home textiles drop inequality, which relatively restrains the rebounce of the general price index.

Price Index Forecast

The transactions in the traditional trade zone and corpora ionized trade zone are predicted to increase, the trading early winter fabrics will increase, and orders of new style spring fabric will still increase partially. But the turnover of general fabric will keep decreasing and price will also get down. The sales of general fabric are still lacking, the margin of general fabric reduced and the competitiveness weakened.

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