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Spun yarn Prices up on firm fibre markets

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-27 08:54:25  来源:YnFx 收藏

100% cotton yarn markets in Asia roughly remained unchanged with stable prices. Liquidity of 32s and 40s were smooth. Indian yarn makers are expecting a 20% rise in yarn exports in the current fiscal, offsetting rising supplies in spot markets. Cotton yarn prices jumped 14% in two weeks due to a sudden spurt in demand from both the domestic as well as export markets. Polyester spun yarn producers in China were facing loss-making situation with desperate trading volumes. Buyers were also cautious and reluctant to catch up. A few specs of spun polyester yarn were in an upward course.

In Pakistan polyester yarn producers are reasonably booked and they maintained prices unchanged. Spun rayon yarn market in China remained stable as the year end come closer and producers mainly aimed to complete their orders and take back profits. In Pakistan, VSF prices fell in the domestic market, but rayon yarn prices did not change. Asian blended spun yarn markets saw some upward momentum as fibre prices firmed up amid supply issue. Sentiments in polyester-cotton and polyester-viscose yarn markets in Asia were stable but trading activities remained slow, as buyers were expecting lower rates in the short term. Demand was also improving on the Faisalabad yarn market for polyester-viscose blended yarns.

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文章关键词: Spun yarn Price  cotton yarn Price 


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