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Pakistan Textile Exports Decline by 10.38 Percent This Year

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-27 08:56:29  来源:Business Recorder 收藏

Cotton Yarn and export of low Value Added Greige Cloth has increased while the Value Added Apparel and Home Textile exports has reduced considerably, lamented M Jawed Bilwani, Central Chairman, Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers & Exporters Association.

He said that if comparison is made with exports of last year, textile exports have declined by 10.38 percent while Bangladesh and India show positive growth in its textile exports. When we compare our textile exports with the year 2010-2011 with 2012-13 knitwear exports declined 18.6 percent in quantity terms, bedwear by 22.76 percent, towel by 27.32 percent, readymade garments by 12.40 percent.

He stated it the exports of Cotton Yarn for the period 2011-2012 are compared with the period 2012-2013, it shows an increase of 52 percent in just five months. It is on record that during 2010 MoC vide S R 0 119(I)/2010 dated February 25, 2010, export of yarn was restricted to 35 million kilo gram per month for all types of yarn for the next four months from March 01 to June 20, 2010 This capping was done just because of unbridled export of cotton yarn.

Here, a vital point and the greatest irony is that while there is immense shortage of gas, and electricity in Pakistan, our gas and electricity is exported in the shape of export of yarn while the Value Added textile sector is starving for energy. It is imperative, he said, that the government first gives top priority to supply of gas to Value Added textile sector mainly because this sector not only runs its Captive Power Plants on 70 percent efficiency but also generates largest employment of both male and female workers as well as earns huge amount of sorely needed foreign exchange for the country while the other inefficient sectors should be considered next on the priority of Gas supply after the Value Added textile sector.

Added to the decline in exports of the Value Added Textiles, the major issue at stake is the survival of the Textile Industry in Pakistan due to the above noted adverse factors and if proper attention and remedial measures are not taken by the government on top most priority, the Value Added Textile Export Sector will be completely ruined leading to disastrous situation for the country.

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