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Fujia Dahua to relocate PX plant

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-12-31 08:32:30  来源:ccfgroup 收藏
The government of Dalian, Liaoning Province, said Thursday that it is pushing forward the relocation of the Fujia Chemical Plant Paraxylene (PX) project.

This was in a response to media reports earlier this week that the halted PX plant, located in the industrial park of Jinzhou new area, had secretly resumed.

The PX project is part of a national blueprint to revitalize the old industrial base in Northeast China. PX is a toxic chemical used to make polyester products.

Tens of thousands of local residents protested on August 14, 2011 and demanded the plant move out of the coastal city after a typhoon wiped the area and destroyed a dyke near the project.

Local authorities then began to study relocating the project, and a meeting was held in December 2011 with experts on relocation.

The relocation plan passed the feasibility study and assessment in July.
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