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Seeking Fair Value For Cotton, AP Farmers Walk Out Of Seed Price Meet

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2013-01-02 08:42:24  来源:The Hindu 收藏
The cotton crisis in Andhra Pradesh has cast its shadow on the meeting convened by the Andhra Pradesh Government to discuss the cottonseed price.


They asked the Government to set up AP Markfed (marketing federation) counters in all the market yards to buy the commodity at the minimum support price (MSP) of Rs 3,900.

Flaying the Government for convening a meeting to discuss seed pricing at a time when cotton farmers were facing a severe crisis, they insisted that the Government should first solve the cotton marketing issue.

Farmers have suffered heavily in kharif this year as the dry spells and Cyclone Nilam hit the crop across the State, dashing their hopes to reap good returns.


Keeping in mind last year’s good price, farmers had increased the acreage to 52 lakh acres, far exceeding the normal area by converting area under paddy.

"The cost of production has shot up and they should get at least Rs 5,000 a quintal.

While ensuring purchases at the MSP, the State Government should announce a bonus of Rs 1,100 to help the farmers to cover costs,” N. Venkateswara Rao, a leader of Telugu Desam Party’s farmers’ wing, said.

Representatives of farmers’ associations affiliated to the CPI, the CPM, the YSR Congress Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party have asked the Agriculture Minister and form joint committees at district level.


"It is the responsibility of the Centre to address the issue of cotton pricing. It is linked with international market,” Kodanda Reddy, President of Kisan Cell of the Congress Party, said.

The Additional Commissioner said he would submit a report to the Agriculture Minister, Kanna Lakshminarayana, on Friday.

The farmers’ leaders too have decided to meet the Minister to discuss the cotton crisis.
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文章关键词: Fair Value  Cotton price  Seed Price 


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