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Mexico Starts Anti Dumping Investigation Against Chinese Blankets

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2013-03-22 09:28:16  来源:Ynfx.com 收藏

The Mexican Ministry of Economy has launched an anti dumping investigation in view to Chinese Raschel-type synthetic fibre blankets.

Certain importers, exporters and the China’s government have 28 business days from the date the review notification has been dispatched to them to submit the official form for the investigation and any arguments. All other interested parties may submit the official form for this investigation by April 8, 203. The ministry will hold a public hearing in conjunction with this investigation on October 18, 2013.

In non textile areas other Chinese products are also on anti dumping investigation in Mexico (children’s bikes), Canada (bikes), Brazil (steel pipes) and Colombia (radial tyres for lorries and buses).

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