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Fashion shows endorse Taipei City's bid for Design Capital

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2013-03-26 09:24:19  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏

The idea of organizing fashion shows near metro stations endorses Taipei City’s bid for becoming the World Design Capital 2016, Taiwan Today quoted a local government official as saying.

Overall, 30 designers from designing schools and emerging Taiwanese designer firms would be provided free training and a chance to sell their work through retail networks, the official said.

A catwalk competition would also be held near metro stations at the end of the training, the official said.

As per the plan, fashion shows would be hosted on ramps set up outside metro stations on the Bannan Line, so as to easily draw the attention of the commuters towards the fashion creations, the official said.

Besides, enterprises would also be called on by the city government to organize seminars and lectures to impart branding, distribution and marketing knowledge to young designers, he added.

Some selected designers would also get an opportunity to participate in the seventh edition of Taipei In Style expo slated to be held in October this year.

With an aim to promote fashion design and branding, the Taiwan Textile Federation organizes this expo, where upcoming designers get an opportunity to meet renowned designers.

The city even looks forward to provide fashion maps at the stations and online information about nearby boutiques, so as to enable visitors to gain immediate information regarding designers and brands and availability of their products, he added.

Last year, the city collaborated with renowned local designer brand Shiatzy Chen to organize a fashion show in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. The event successfully drew attention of local as well as international media, the official said.

This year, the city government has set aside a sum of NT$ 10 million or US$ 336,000 to back promotion of specialized businesses focusing on helping students and upcoming designers to develop and sell their personalized products in association with producers.

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