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Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles to begin from Aug 27

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2013-04-11 09:45:40  来源:Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 收藏
Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition returns again this year with exciting new opportunities for participants to gain a foothold in China.

Now a show about more than just textiles, it is the perfect chance for visitors and exhibitors from around the world to also understand the lifestyle trends and evolving concepts in the growing Chinese home textiles and furnishings market.

The fair will be held from 27 – 29 August 2013 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. Last year saw a record number of exhibitors taking part, with over 1,300 companies from 29 countries and regions, which in turn attracted over 39,000 trade buyers from 100 countries and regions.

This year, exhibitors from all over the world will be present, as well as pavilions from Belgium, Greece, India, Italy, Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey.

Five special zones reflect growth areas in the Chinese domestic market

To reflect the growth areas in the Chinese home textiles and furnishings market, five distinctive special zones have been created.

They include the Branded Bedding and Towelling Zone, the Interior Decoration Zone, the Wall Coverings Zone, the Carpets Zone and the interactive Intertextile Design Boutique, which features designer studio displays, booths, workshops and a resource sharing lounge.

These special areas will help visitors understand the changing trends in the Chinese market, and provide a chance for them to network with selected exhibitors.

The Branded Bedding and Towelling Zone in particular will provide a unique opportunity to exhibitors. By showcasing their products in this hall, suppliers also have the chance to benefit from a tailor-made, year-round branding programme.

Targeted buyer invitations, a tailored media strategy and special onsite promotional privileges will help extend three days of promotion at the fair, to a year-round branding campaign.

Lifestyle trend themes for 2014 presented

The well-received Intertextile International Lifestyle Trend Forum has expanded this year, with more inspirational ideas on display. The forum is designed by the International Lifestyle Trend Committee which comprises seven world-class experts in their fields, and is led by Ms Nelly Rodi, an international trend forecaster and founder of NellyRodi(TM) Agency.

The members of the International Lifestyle Trend Committee are:
Ben Wu (China) – founder of W+S Group, designer of the Chateau de Bordeaux
Carolyn Quartermaine (United Kingdom) – artist, painter, designer and maker
Eric Gizard (France) – interior architect and designer, creative director, founder and director of EGA
Gérard Durand (France) – head of home and fashion trends for Galeries Lafayette
Nelly Rodi (France) – founder of NellyRodi Agency
Sue Morris (Australia) – designer for Linen House
Vincent Grégoire (France) – artistic director and designer for NellyRodi Agency

The four lifestyle trend themes for 2014 they have developed are:

Magic Nature – mix nature’s raw ancestral beauty with a magical, rich, baroque universe in a poetic, precious manner

Heritage Funtasy – play with classical references from the Occident and Orient, and use elegance, fantasy and energy to put them in a contemporary context

Bohemian Rhapsody – reconcile and pay respect with generosity and optimism to the folklore from cultures near and far

Dandy Select – a new chic that communicates status codes and values artisanal expertise with a rigorous, modern approach

The Autumn Edition is organised this year with both home and lifestyle design concepts in mind. It has become the first-choice trading platform in Asia for both overseas and domestic industry players, helping them bring their sourcing goals to fruition.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

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