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Textile Chemical Management Professional Course

——Jointly developed by Intertek China and China Dyeing and Printing Association (CDPA)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2013-09-06 17:25:49  来源: 收藏

China’s booming economy and massive industries are posing some difficult environmental challenges for a nation. Under the China latest 12th Five-Year Plan, China promise will strengthen law enforcement and supervision in the prevention and control of hazardous waste pollution.

In addition, the business drivers from stringent environmental regulations, NGOs, coupled with the enterprises own sustainable development strategy has result many well-known brands and retailers began to strengthen their supply chain and their chemical management. These includes the manufacture and sale of products free of harmful, toxic and hazardous chemical substances, and prevent the hazardous chemicals be discharged or emitted to the environment. Recently we have seen more than 13 well-known brands are committed to joint roadmap towards zero discharge of hazardous chemicals (ZDHC) in the supply chain by 2020. The roadmap is highly ambitious. It is plan that sets a new standard of environmental performance for the global apparel and footwear industry. It includes commitment and timelines to realize their goal which they hope in 2020, they are able to achieve zero discharge of hazardous chemical substances.

Another example is the Sustainable Apparel Coalition which consists of more than 100 brands, retailers, suppliers and NGO institutions, has recently launched their supplier sustainability assessments which call HIGG Index. Index includes energy consumption, manufacture process, waste discharge, hazardous chemicals control, and greenhouse gas inventory.

What’s for sure, is that, in manufacturing enterprises, enhancing chemical management will become an inevitable issue. Nevertheless, Chemical Management has become an important module in Textile Sustainability Development. Going forward, risk assessment for possible presence of hazardous materials is most appropriately done by analyzing the incoming stream of materials input into the whole manufacturing process. And this is usually done based on presumed risk and prior knowledge of a material or chemical substance and familiar with the textile industry. Getting the right person to oversee this task is challenging, such talents are lacking and are in high demand in the market.

Intertek, the exclusive partner of China Dyeing and Printing Association (CDPA) has jointly developed and localize the Chemical Management course. This course is comprehensive and practical, and can effectively help local Chinese Textile companies to train the related technical and management personnel. The course syllabus includes chemical inventory, assessment, source control, manufacture process, traceability, and regulation and risk prevention.

Mr. Chen Zhihua, Vice-president of China Dyeing and Printing Association (CDPA) says that a large amount of Chemicals are used during dyeing and printing process. The use of these chemicals can have an adverse impact on safety of finished products and local environment, if manage improperly. Through enhancing management, using green-ized chemicals and new processing, dyeing and printing industry can effectively lower its environmental footprint and provide eco-friend, safe and low carbon footprint products to downstream. He also point out that, with the booming of our economy, conflicts between resources and our environment become evident. Establishing a circular economy, following a hi-tech, cost-effective, low-consumption, low environmental contamination, full use of human resource, and new path of industrialization, is the only way for sustainability to be realized in textile industry. This time, cooperating with Intertek is a meaningful step forward to leading our industry to explore sustainable development. Before that, the Association has done lots of work on energy saving, emission reduction, eco-product and product safety and gained some achievements. I hope that we can win more results from this cooperation, which our industrial enterprises also can be benefit from. Additionally, we do some efforts for building a beautiful China.

Intertek China Green Initiatives Deputy General Manager Jasmine Zhang said:”This chemical management course is part of textile chemical management solution. The solution includes assessment, testing, auditing, life cycle analysis, and understanding of the environmental impact, and through this solution, companies can take into account on the environmental cost and how they can benefits from best practices. We hope that through this cooperation with the CDPA, local companies are able to improve and reduce the hazardous chemicals.

Intertek China Training and Consulting Service General Manager Sara Chen said: "As a service provider, this jointly developed Chemical Management course with CDPA will greatly help the local textile industry to cultivate local professions. The curriculum integrated with technical resources and experience from the industry, and it is goal-oriented, keeping up with market trends. The objective is to produce professions that are in market demand, understand the industry and know how to carry out control and prevent the hazardous chemical emission to environment.”

To find up more on Intertek-CDPA Chemical Management Training Courses, please visit: www.intertek.com.cn/CourseOnline_17_1_260.html

China Dyeing and Printing Association (CDPA)

CDPA is organized willingly by enterprises, research institutes and relevant organizations specialized in textile products. CDPA holds various types of activities including academic exchange, consultancy and technological training. The Association aims to uphold the constitution, to obey laws, regulations and policies, and coordinates the relations among the textile enterprises and relevant organizations, provides information for them and pushes forward their development. With the principles of science, fairness, efficiency and services, the Association gives advice to the enterprises for their sustainable development, and strengthens and advancement of technology and the core competitive edge of the industry in China.

About Intertek

Intertek is a leading provider of quality and safety solutions serving a wide range of industries around the world. From auditing and inspection, to testing, quality assurance and certification, Intertek people are dedicated to adding value to customers' products and processes, supporting their success in the global marketplace. Intertek has the expertise, resources and global reach to support its customers through its network of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices and 35000 people in over 100 countries around the world. Intertek Group plc (LSE: ITRK) is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index.

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