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Fong's holds customers day in Guangdong

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2013-10-12 09:31:19  来源:Fong's 收藏
FONG’S Guangdong Customer Open Day was held recently at MONFONG’S Zhongshan factory. The event attracted around 70 customers coming from Guangdong areas.

The event started with a welcome speech delivered by Mr. Francis Wong, FONG’S Sales Director. Mr. Zhang Jiuling, MONFONG’S Sales Manager presented the latest MONFONG’S products and briefly introduced MONFONG’S Zhongshan factory.

MONFONG’S Zhongshan factory is situated at Linhai Industrial Park, Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan, only 35 minutes’ drive to Zhongshan Pier. It covers a total area of 200 acres with 48,000 square meters of the production plant (Phase 1).

The current production capacity of production plant (Phase 1) is 400 sets of machine per year. Through close technical cooperation with A. Monforts, Germany, by persisting in superb product quality and standard, MONFONG’S has developed a solid sales network worldwide.

Since its inception in 1999, MONFONG’S has kept introducing advanced technology from Germany, and integrating its high productivity in China. For several years, MONFONG’S has been launching excellent products, such as TWINAIR 328, Shrinking Range and MONTEX 6500, which are all highly evaluated by customers. This year’s focus will be on THERMEX 6500 brought by A. Monforts, Germany.

In order to meet the market demands, the new MONFONG’S factory has also invested and upgraded some of the manufacturing equipment. Apart from the sophisticated modern facilities, MONFONG’S has also attached great importance to environment protection and greening of the factory, by increasing the green area and planting a variety of plants within the factory.

In the near future, some solar power equipment will be installed in office areas, so as to make full use of natural resources to meet the electricity demand for everyday office operation, relieve the pressure on national power supply and contribute to the cause of environmental protection.

The open day this time not only allows customers to be more familiar with our production process, company history and culture, but also helps to enhance exchanges and mutual trust, laying a solid foundation for further cooperation.

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