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DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR exhibition space 90% sold out

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2014-01-03 09:26:33  来源:DOMOTEX 收藏
Exhibition space at DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR is 90% sold with three months remaining before show opening on March 25, 2014, according to show organizers.

“We have increased exhibit space again, to a total of 140,000 square meters gross space to accommodate new exhibitors, more visitors and additional programs and services,” said David Zhong, president of the show managing company VNU Exhibitions Asia.

“The show’s dedication to innovation and network building for our constituents has contributed to increasing the importance of this show in the industry. We are now the leading international platform for floor covering in Asia Pacific”, he said.

2014 Show Highlights

InnovAction Flooring Online System - Connecting People and Products

The InnovAction Flooring campaign returns with an interactive online system to put visitors and exhibitors in direct communication before the show, help visitors identify the new products and arrange meetings in advance. The free online system allows pre-registered visitors to post their own interests and specific requirements on products, services and business connections.

Onsite, the InnovAction Flooring Centre, where new, innovative products will be showcased in a dedicated venue, has been moved to the Hub for Architects and Designers in hall W5.

An authoritative jury of industry experts will have the final word on the products exhibited at the InnovAction Flooring Centre, thus adding accuracy, prestige and value to the New Products presented. “DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR is proud to offer InnovAction Flooring as a platform for the industry to present and explore the unlimited boundaries of innovation in flooring,” said Jessica Zhu, deputy general manager at VNU Exhibitions Asia.

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR launches the show new MOBILE APP

A new APP for iPhone and Android will be available beginning the end of January 2014.

The APP functions will include online free pre-registration, a showcase area for the new products presented by the InnovAction Flooring campaign with information on related exhibitors, a detailed floor plan and an agenda to help organize the onsite visit in a productive way. 

It also includes the event program with locations and times, a QR Code scanning function to join onsite interactive activities, and much more. Go to domotexasiachinafloor.com  to download the mobile APP on February 1, 2014.

A sampling of DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 2014 exhibitors:

CARPET& RUGS: Shanhua, Haima, Beaulieu, Balta, Desso, Tibetan Sheep, CTTCC, Judong, OFC, Kaili, Suminoe, Mannington, Oriental Weaver, Alsorayai, Solomon, Abbas Nishaburi;

WOOD & LAMINATE: Nature, Shiyou, Dasso, Kronoswiss, Kronotex, Unilin, Stile, Parla, NWFA/AHEC Pavilion, Berry Alloc, Novofibre, Beaulieu Group, LM Flooring, Euyopia, Granorte;

FLOORTECH: T&C Decorative, Zhongyuan, Fengchaou, Jun Shiau, Homag, Timberex, Loba, Osmo, Muylle, Klumpp, Dynea, Treffert, Wintersteiger, Leuco, Yasuda;

CARPET-TECH: Invista, Universal, Aquafil, Wools of New Zealand, Honghua, Shunlong, CEO, Freudenberg, TRCC, Kolon, Unitika, Oerlikon, Truetzschler;

RESILIENT: Armstrong, Gerflor, Forbo, Mondo, LG Hausys, , Mapei, Diseno, DaJuLong, WeiKang, HuaJing, MeiGaoMei, ChangLong, YiHua, DiLong, JianChen, , HanWha , Nox, MeiJer, DaeJin, Sika.      

COUNTRY PAVILIONS from eight different countries are confirmed: Turkey, Pakistan, USA, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, India and Iran; many are taking part in the newly launched World of Handmade Carpets section. CHINESE pavilions include Changzhou, Anji, Tianjin and CICF.

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