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Turkey aiming at global top spot in carpet sector

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2014-04-23 08:31:15  来源:YNFX 收藏

Machine made carpet exports from Turkey on rise, in the first quarter of 2014 its carpet exports has exceed US$0.5 billion. According to the Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporter Association ((ITKIB), machine made carpet exports has increased by 9.9 percent to $546 million in first quarter of 2014 in comparison to $497 million in the same period last year.

At present, Turkey stands to be the second largest carpet exporter with $2.2 billion worth of exports beside China’s all time record of $2.4 billion of carpet exports annually, short by 1.09 percent.

Turkish exporters are all set to touch the $2.4 billion worth of exports to upturn the reigning champion China - a feat achieved four years ago with the Netherlands and with Belgium two years ago.

As, Turkey has an added advantage, it need not depend on imports as wool and synthetic yarn required for its carpet industry are met through domestic sources. Moreover they have adequate knowledge and manpower required for machine-made carpet industry.

Saudi Arabia remains to be the main destination for carpet exports from Turkey, with the US ranked second, followed by Libya and Germany.

Currently China leads the competition in the carpet market exports, followed by Turkey, Belgium and India.

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