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Mexico imposes antidumping duty on Chinese MMF blankets

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2014-06-04 08:39:22  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
The Secretariat of Economy (SE), Government of Mexico, has concluded an antidumping investigation and imposed a definitive antidumping duty on imports of synthetic fibre (man-made fibre or MMF) blankets from China.
Imports of synthetic fiber blankets, including woven raschel fabric type, prints, smooth, with or without embroidery, with or without intermediate wadding, of any size, originating in China under codes 6301.40.01 and 9404.90.99 of the Tariff Act of General Imports and Exports (TIGIE) would be subject to anti-dumping duty if the customs value is less than US$ 12.10 per kilogram.
The amount of the antidumping duty would be calculated as the difference between the import price and the reference price, according to an official release.
However imports of synthetic fibre blankets, originating in China, with customs value equal to or more then the reference of $12.10 per kilogram would not be subject to payment of antidumping duties.
The new duty has come into effect from May 27, 2014.
The antidumping investigation was carried out on the basis of a request made by Apolo Textil, SA de CV and Grupo Textil Providencia, SA de CV in January 2013 for initiation of investigation into unfair trade practices and price discrimination in imports of synthetic fibre blankets, originating in China.
The investigation period covered was from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, and a period of injury and causation analysis of the industry’s domestic production for the period from January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2012.
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