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Raymond unveils Italian suiting fabric range Regio ITALIA

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2014-11-24 07:54:47  来源:India 收藏
The Indian suiting fabric specialist Raymond has recently launched a new collection of finest Italian suiting materials suited for both occasionwear and formalwear purposes. Meant for consumers with a taste for luxe global fashion, the premium line entitled Regio ITALIA features quality fabrics in five different blends including Wool silk, Super 180s, Super 150s, Super 130s and Super 120s. Available both in the form of lengths as well as swatch samples, the collection, which would be updated periodically to keep up with the latest trends in international fashion, will be sold in select outlets across the country and at The Raymond Shops. The range was recently unveiled at a glittering fashion show designed and styled by the creative director of Raymond, Vito Dell’erba. The event saw Bollywood actors like Dino Morea walking down the ramp. Incorporated in 1925, the Raymond Group is a manufacturer, marketer and retailer of worsted suiting fabrics. The company retails through The Raymond Shop (TRS), a network of over 700 retail shops spread across India and overseas, in some 200 cities. The firm’s brands are Raymond, Raymond Premium Apparel, Park Avenue, Park Avenue Woman, ColorPlus and Parx.
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