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Queensland celebrates Hollywood, ballet and opera fashions

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2014-11-25 09:38:25  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk 收藏
The Australian state of Queensland has become the hub of various rare fashion exhibits celebrating the entertaining yet vivid worlds of Hollywood glamour, ballet and opera. The Museum of Brisbane is currently hosting an exhibit highlighting the bygone era of 1930s and 1960s tinsel town Hollywood. Titled as Golden Age of Hollywood, the display showcases more than 60 outstanding costumes and accessories sourced from a sole private collection owned by the Brisbane native Nicholas Inglis. Co-curated by the fashion curator and co-director of The Fashion Archives, Brisbane, Dr Nadia Buick, features pieces worn by the likes of Bette Davis, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Esther Williams, Joan Crawford, Ava Gardner, Marlon Brando, Katherine Hepburn, Debbie Reynolds, Orson Welles, Lucille Ball, Julie Andrews and Barbra Streisand. Some of the major attractions of the event, which will run through May 24, 2015, include a hoop skirt dress worn by Elizabeth Taylor in the 1957 movie Raintree County and a nightgown donned by Gloria Swanson in the 1951 classic Sunset Boulevard. Apart from exhibiting a slice of Hollywood nostalgia, the city of Brisbane also played home to an exquisite costume and scenery sale hosted by the Queensland Ballet company. Held at the company’s official location, Thomas Dixon Centre, the sale sold an array of period costumes, dresses, leotards, men’s jackets, vests, pants and fabric remnants. Also the Brisbane-based opera company, Opera Queensland, is prepping up to organize its first-ever costume sale in its history of almost 33 years. Due to take place on November 29, 2014 in its studio at South Bank, the event will feature an array of dazzling outfits inspired by a multitude of periods and styles including renaissance Italy to ancient Egypt and even cutting edge fashion for men, women and children.
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