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cotton price
China Cotton Market - Prices Continue Dipping
2010-12-02 08:12
China Cotton Price Index Down 11% in Ten Days
2010-12-01 10:12
China Cotton Daily Price (30 Nov 2010)
2010-12-01 08:12
China Cotton Spot Price(30 Nov 2010)
2010-12-01 08:12
China Cotton Daily Price (29 Nov 2010)
2010-11-30 10:11
China Cotton Market Daily(29 Nov 2010)
2010-11-30 08:11
U.S. cotton closes down 4 pct, ends week 9 pct lower
2010-11-29 09:11
China Cotton Daily Price (26 Nov 2010)
2010-11-29 08:11
China Cotton Daily Price (24 Nov 2010)
2010-11-25 08:11
China Cotton Daily Price (23 Nov 2010)
2010-11-24 08:11
China Cotton Daily Price (22 Nov 2010)
2010-11-23 10:11
Raw Material Prices Soaring Impact Canton Fair
2010-11-23 09:11
Clothes CPI Rising Again, Caused by Cotton Price Soaring
2010-11-23 08:11
USDA US Spot Cotton Quotations: 7-Area Average 118.32-Nov 19
2010-11-22 10:11
China Cotton Daily Price (19 Nov 2010)
2010-11-22 09:11
China Cotton Daily Price (18 Nov 2010)
2010-11-19 09:11
USDA US Spot Cotton Quotations: 7-Area Average 119.18 - Nov 17
2010-11-18 11:11
China Cotton Daily Price (17 Nov 2010)
2010-11-18 10:11
Cotton likely to fetch fairly high price, next season (Tanzania)
2010-11-18 10:11
Cotton prices remain strong (Germany)
2010-11-18 08:11
Stunning export demand helps send cotton prices to new record highs
2010-11-17 09:11
Textile companies have to seek for another "way out" as cotton prices continue to rise
2010-11-17 08:11
China Cotton Market Daily(15 Nov 2010)
2010-11-16 10:11
China Cotton Daily Price (15 Nov 2010)
2010-11-16 09:11
Seven Government Departments Regulate Cotton Price
2010-11-16 08:11
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