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Introduction of European standards for Fashion Week

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-01-13 08:57:22  来源:European Fashion Council 收藏

In support of the new economic strategy “EUROPE2020” 2011 notes the expected launch of program "Fashion Europe" which in honor of its creators was highly appreciated and recognized by the European Commission and the European Parliament. The first realised act includes a series of projects for European standards of goods and services in the field of fashion and fashion design and other related public arts.

Bearing in mind that Fashion Week is the main event of the European and global fashion industry, it is logical the start of the program for “Fashion Europe” 2011-2020 to begin precisely with the introduction of a United European fashion standard.

On the one hand the drafted and adopted by the European Fashion Council (EFC) project for presentation of fashion and design in collective activities is associated with the first public events that the publicity expect from EFC and will have the opportunity to see from this year. On the other hand the need from a united standard of fashion presentation is the first and most essential part of high quality events with the name of Europe and to support one of the main activities of the EFC: to protect the interests of producers and fashion designers and the millions users of fashion and design not only as consumers but as fans.

The product for this service with brand coming from Europe is a symbol of quality and historical prestige by bringing together the best of the European and world practice for presentation of fashion, whose begining is set in Paris during World War II with the first organized surveys of french collections. This is the catalyst to launch the first week of fashion in the world in 1943 in New York by Eleanor LAMBERT to reach this moment of his need validation by the European Fashion Council and the European institutions into a united regulative standards.

The protection of the intellectual property in fashion and fashion design, Career Center for development and support of new names, united standard of assessment collections, for the participation of models for supporting events and media presentations, Magazine “Fashion Week” and others are only small part of the leading accents in the adopted document a total of 19 pages, done by of the 17 member states of the EFC.

The project for the unification is already addressed to Euro Commissioner Mr. Michel BARNIER (France), directly responsible for the Internal market and Protecting intellectual property for opening a procedure for adoption of Directive for European standard.

This act is a sign of support for its mandate “at the beginning of a new stage”, as he says in a letter to the President of EFC Ms. Nadya VALEVA concerning the adoption of the strategy “EUROPE2020”, to “build together a more civil, stronger and more capable Europe”. Of course, this is a sign and a deep respect for the French fashion know-how /1868/, pride and honor for Europe and worldwide. Fashion Week is an eventof fundamental importance in determining the trends and impact on our wardrobe, cultural and economic integration and growth of all countries with a registered organization in over 100 European and more than 200 worldwide locations today.

And as the symbol of Central Europe - Prague clock “ORLOY" sets the time of European unification and its rise in all areas of European policy, and European fashion institution began to sets its 10 years of development and public activities. The Czech Republic is the 17th European country that opened its representation.

As a country, part of the European Union, through the National Fashion Chamber of the Czech Republic with President Mrs. Julia HENDRYCHOVA she took its place in the management of European fashion institution. “With my collegues will do at most to best co-operate with all members of the EFC”, said in his address to all parties in EFC. “We are sure you of our Czech deducation, honesty maximum activity”, says Mrs. Julia HENDRYCHOVA.

The realized registration you can see in the registry, along with contact information for all 17 countries, needed to open registration of participants in the first pan-European competition for young designers, began by the proposal of Romania 01.01.2011.

The Deadline for the national participations of fashion talents from 15 to 30 years in the competition took the name “EUROPEAN FASHION RISE” is March 31, 2011. The national winners and runners-up we will see by the end of May 2011, and the first pan-European Semi and Grand Final is scheduled for 3-4 and 6 August, 2011, logically in Paris, France.

For the realization of the above activities and fully implementing the program "Fashion Europe" 2011-2020, EFC is preparing a General strategic partnerships and support, which will be announced soon. Due to the numismatic value of the envisaged synergies they will definitely change the face not only the European but also fully support the development of the world fashion and artists!

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文章关键词: Fashion Europe  European standards  Fashion Week 


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