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Xinjiang Textile Industry Ready to Go

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-02 10:07:35  来源:CTEI 收藏

Since 2010, Xinjiang textile industry followed the guidance of Central Government's Support Xinjiang Policy and quickened the industry structure upgrading, then promoted the whole situation of this industry forward. The gross textile industrial output value reached 20 billion yuan, with industrial added value 4.2 billion yuan, rising 10.5% from the same period last year. Its major products, the output of cotton yarn rose 8.3% year over year, while combed cotton yarn rising 18%. The general sales-output ratio was 98.43%, with profit about one billion yuan, making a record high in this region.

The General Plan of Xinjiang Aksu Textile Industry Zone was approved by the autonomous district government. The projected Aksu textile industry zone covers an area of 54.58 square kilometers and is oriented by cotton textile processing. It aims at constructing a production base for quality cotton yarn, cotton fabrics and cotton textiles, and forming a modern industry zone with complete industry chain, with multifuntions including cotton textile, chemicla fiber, dyeing & printing, home textile, clothes, stock and logistics, power, trade and living service.

Last year, Aksu ushered a boom of investment. Both the production and sales thrived. The industrial gross output, industry added value, sales income and profit all reported a big growth. The management commission of Aksu textile industry zone runs well. Ten new programs had been under construction, with investment of 10.66 billion yuan and 2.4 million spindles. And 15 supporting infrastructure projects were also under the way. Famous textile enterprises like Huafu, Youngor, and Grace had signed agreements to launch manufacturing facilities here. New invested Shaya Fuhong Textile second stage 50thousand spindles program and Hongli Cotton Industry 60thousand0 spindles program had put into production already.

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