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China to Foster 1000 Enterprises with Well-known Brands in the Next 5-10 Years

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-05 15:10:27  来源:ccfgroup 收藏

China's textile and garment industry will foster one thousand enterprises possessing well-known brands in next 5 to 10 years

Most enterprises among existing textile enterprises in China are based on nominated brands and OEM, private label accounts for only about 10 percent, according to statistics of the China Textile Industry Association

In accordance with the idea of China Textile Industry Association, China's textile and garment industry will foster one thousand enterprises possessing well-known brands in the next 5 to 10 years, brand value will exceed one trillion yuan. 

To open up international markets with their own brands has become the development goal of a lot of enterprises. In recent years, some brands such as Lily, Vigoss, Li Ning have opened their brand shops in the United States and European markets, which undraws the curtain of Chinese enterprises entering international market.

"It is said that 70 percent of the world's clothing is 'made in china', but China's brands are few, while bargaining power is derived from brand. Many garment factories based on OEM have closed down in China after 2008. It gives the industry a great alert.

Export prices are generally raising this year, textile and garment exporters possessing their own brands have more bargaining power. Meng Di Qiu Company in Shishi city has its own brand of casual pants successfully entered the U.S. market this year, the price of the brand is as high as US $25 per pant, which is more than 1 times exceeding the average ex-factory price for domestic orders

The Lei Ma (China) Co., Ltd. operates two brands and ODM products this year, its price increases about 20 percent, but the new offers have also been accepted by most European merchants.

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文章关键词: China  Foster  Well-known Brands 


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