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Huntsman Textile Effects opens facility in Pakistan

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-19 15:22:31  来源:specialtyfabricsreview 收藏

Huntsman Textile Effects (TE) opened its 13th new 4,000-square-meter Formulation and Distribution Center (FDC) in Karachi, Pakistan.

The facility, located at the Landhi Industrial Area, provides a production platform in one of the pioneer industrial states in Pakistan and gives Huntsman further competitive advantage through convenient access and infrastructure. Pakistan represents a fast-growing, dynamic market of increasing importance for Textile Effects, and the launch of this FDC strengthens TE’s commitment to this textile market.

“With the opening of our new, low-cost production facility in Karachi for formulated chemicals, we will considerably increase our competitiveness and flexibility in textile chemicals in this key Asian textile market,” said Mr. Paul Hulme, president of Huntsman Textile Effects. “Our well-established partner, Swisstex, will continue to provide enhanced sales activities enabling us to concentrate on all formulation and production aspects, using our cutting-edge technology to develop innovative products and technologies.”

With Swisstex as its sole distributor, Huntsman Textile Effects has been aggressively extending its global reach in Pakistan to support the challenges facing the textile industry and to be the driving force for the fourth largest cotton producer of the world.

Huntsman Textile Effects is developing more competitive, locally sourced, formulated products for the local market, and will work with distributor partner Swisstex in order to maximize growth with key textile customers, especially in the home textiles and specialty chemicals areas.

Huntsman Textile Effects is a global provider of high-quality dyes and chemicals to textile and related industries. It operates in 110 countries and 14 primary manufacturing facilities in 12 countries (China, Columbia, Germany, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, USA).

Huntsman is a global manufacturer and marketer of differentiated chemicals. Its operating companies manufacture products for a variety of global industries including chemicals, plastics, automotive, aviation, textiles, footwear, paints and coatings, construction, technology, agriculture, health care, detergent, personal care, furniture, appliances and packaging.

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