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EU implements trade concessions package to Pakistan
2012-11-20 08:11
CCAC pegs Pakistan's cotton output at 12.66mn bales
2012-11-08 08:11
EU trade preferences to enhance Pakistan's textile exports
2012-10-22 08:10
Pakistan to soon unveil new trade policy
2012-10-19 09:10
Pakistan's cotton output to cross 15mn bales
2012-10-08 10:10
Pakistan - Deal Signed To Enhance Textile Competitiveness
2012-09-19 11:09
Pakistan, India to sign customs cooperation deal soon (India)
2012-09-06 09:09
Pakistan textile exporters hail interest rate cut (Pakistan)
2012-08-15 09:08
Pakistan resumes issuing cotton export permits (Pakistan)
2012-08-02 08:08
Procedural glitch halts Pakistan’s cotton exports to India (Pakistan)
2012-08-01 11:08
Pakistan's textile export declined (Pakistan)
2012-07-27 10:07
Pakistan's fashion industry has huge export potentia (Pakistan)l
2012-07-17 08:07
Pakistan textile exports decline in July-April FY12 (Pakistan)
2012-06-20 09:06
WTO approves two-year trade waiver for Pakistan
2012-02-03 14:02
Pakistan: Textile sector faces unprecedented gas, power shortage
2012-01-31 12:01
Pakistan urged to up textile trade with ECO countries
2011-12-29 10:12
Huntsman Textile Effects opens facility in Pakistan
2011-12-19 15:12
Pakistan imports undocumented textiles worth $950 million from China
2011-07-26 14:07
Water shortage to cause 15% cotton production loss
2010-10-27 08:10
Pakistan:$1 billion foreign orders may be lost next summer on cotton yarn shortage
2010-10-22 08:10
Electricity: China comes to Pakistan's aid again
2010-09-27 14:09
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