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Bangladesh: PM seeks Chinese investment in textile industry

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-01-11 13:23:50  来源:CTEI 收藏

Bangladesh Prime Minister (PM) Sheikh Hasina Tuesday sought massive Chinese investment, especially in textiles, agro-processing, energy and power, pharmaceuticals, communications and infrastructure development, to reduce the existing trade gap, reports UNB.

She made the request when Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Zhang Xianyi paid a farewell call on her at her office.

After the meeting, PM's Press Secretary Abul Kalam Azad briefed reporters.

He said Sheikh Hasina thanked China for its continued assistance and support for various key development projects in power, agriculture, infrastructure and telecommunications sectors in Bangladesh.

She also mentioned that both the countries may work together sincerely to make Bangladesh-China-Mynmar road link or Kunming initiative a success.

The prime minister expressed satisfaction over the steady growth of trade volume as it is heavily tilted towards China and hoped that China would remain responsive to some of the concerns to reduce the huge trade imbalance to some extent.

In response, the Chinese envoy praised the pragmatic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in running a democratic government as well as presenting a peace model in the UN, and negotiating the interests of the countries being affected by global climate change.

Xianyi presented a book written by him on Bangladesh-China relations to the prime minister.

He also paid homage to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and recalled his visit to China in 1973.

Ambassador at-large M Ziauddin, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Sheikh M Wahid Uz Zaman and PMO Secretary Molla Waheeduzzaman were present.

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文章关键词: Bangladesh  Chinese investment  textile 


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