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China to widen import of jute items from Bangladesh

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-03-06 10:28:49  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏

China is going to hugely increase its jute and jute product imports from Bangladesh over the next few years, according to China Bast and Leaf Fibres Textile Association (CBLFTA).

Mr. Xu Ji Xiang, head of the 15-member delegation of CBLFTA, which is currently on a three-day official visit to Bangladesh, hoped the Chinese import of jute and jute products from Bangladesh would double in current year compared to 2011.

During his meeting with representatives of the Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association (BJSA), Mr. Xiang, who is also the Chairman of CBLFTA, said Bangladeshi raw jute and jute yarns are of good quality and are relatively low priced.

Mr. Chen Pingnan, Vice-President of China Jute Textile Industry Association, hoped that China’s imports of jute yarns from Bangladesh would double in 2012 compared to 2011.

Last year, Bangladesh imported nearly 51,000 tons of jute yarn from Bangladesh, up 281.69 percent year-on-year.

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