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More than 80 percent of China's high-tech medical textile materials relied on imports

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-10-10 14:13:31  来源:ccfgroup 收藏

At the recently held science and technology forum "Application of fiber and textile structural materials in medical field", president of China Textile Industry Association Li Ling Shen said,” China is a big textile country, but is also a small textile country."

China is a textile power, because China exports clothing and textiles in large volume, but China has limited strength in field of industrial textiles.

More than 80 percent of China's high-tech medical textile materials is relied on imports every year, import value is over US $6 billion.

Currently, the U.S., Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia account for 90 percent share of global sales market, while china’s domestic enterprises generally make OEM for foreign enterprises, it is difficult for them to form core competitiveness, therefore, it is difficult for them to share the market of medical textile industry.

Li Ling Shen believes that medical textile industry must change the status of being long-term ignored, China can achieve breakthroughs in the direction from masks, gowns and other disposable medical supplies to artificial skin and other biomedical textile materials, therefore, gradually reduces China's proportion of imports.

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文章关键词: high-tech medical textile  import 


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