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Inditex to launch Zara's online store in Mainland China (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-05 09:13:56  来源:Inditex 收藏
Zara's online store will begin welcoming customers in Mainland China next Wednesday 5 September. This is a new milestone in Zara’s e-commerce business expansion into all of the markets in which it operates. The Zara website, will offer online shoppers the same full range of merchandise for women, men and kids as that found in high street stores.

Online site is designed to provide an outstanding user-friendly shopping experience and allow fashion fans to make their purchases from any of the browsers available in countries in which Zara has online shops. Items sold online are priced the same as those found in high street Zara stores, and customers can choose home delivery or have their purchases sent to a store of their choosing for pick up.

Shoppers at Chinese Zara website can also phone a toll-free customer service line or communicate by email with a dedicated customer help desk to resolve any queries or issues associated with their purchases.

Zara in China

Zara first ventured into China in 2006 when it opened its inaugural shop in Shanghai at a landmark site on Nanjing West Road. The retailer now has over 100 establishments in more than 40 Chinese cities, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Shenyang, Chengdu and Chongqing.

Currently China hosts more than 300 Inditex stores branded under eight of the company's retail concepts, beccoming one of the international markets in which the Group has the most extensive retail footprint. 

Online markets

Zara opened its first e-stores in September 2010 in several European countries, following in the footsteps of Zara Home, whose online shop went live in 2007. Zara currently offers Internet shopping in 18 European countries, plus the United States and Japan, after the latter two countries’ online stores launched last year.

Also in 2011, the remaining Inditex Group retailers (Pull&Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho and Uterqüe) made their first forays into online sales with shops in European markets.

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文章关键词: Inditex  Zara  online store  China Mainland 


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