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BASF again makes it to Dow Jones Sustainability Index (Germany)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-14 09:07:20  来源:BASF 收藏
BASF was again included in the global Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World). The company has been recognized for its sustainability engagement in areas such as climate strategy, risk and crisis management as well as human capital development. The DJSI World is one of the most recognized sustainability indices and represents the top 10 percent of the largest 2,500 companies in each industry included in the Dow Jones Global Index.

BASF share is included in the DJSI World for the twelfth consecutive year. The listed companies have to demonstrate continuous improvement every year with regards to sustainability and are assessed by analysts from Sustainable Asset Management Group (SAM).

Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index and Carbon Performance Leadership Index

According to the international investor group Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), BASF is among the ten leading companies in the world in climate protection. In the current ranking, the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) listed BASF again with an outstanding place for the eighth time and the company has been included in the Carbon Performance Leadership Index (CPLI) for the third time   and thus continuously since establishment of this index.

CDP represents 655 institutional investors holding $78 trillion in assets under management. Investors use CDP indices as assessment tools.

The CDLI contains 51 companies that disclose their data in a particularly transparent and comprehensive manner. As in previous years, BASF is the top scorer in the Materials sector.

The CPLI lists 33 companies based on their exemplary performance in climate protection activities – for example their climate strategy, their stakeholder communication or their management system. At the beginning of 2012, BASF established a new, ambitious climate protection goal: By 2020 the company wants to reduce the global greenhouse gas emissions per metric ton of sales product by 40 % compared to 2002.

Sustainability is integral to BASF’s strategy “We create chemistry“ and a main growth driver.

BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. We combine economic success, social responsibility and environmental protection.

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文章关键词: BASF  Dow Jones Sustainability Index  DJSI 


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