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Wool industry review released

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-09-18 09:56:03  来源:woolmarket 收藏
WoolProducers Australia has launched its 2012 Annual Review during the recent Wool Week in Melbourne.

WPA president Geoff Power said it was an informative and detailed account of wool producing in Australia.

“Reading through the annual review you will find many different insights and perspectives on Australia’s wool industry from health and welfare, disease control, wool quality and standards, research marketing and export,” he said.

“Contributions to this 2012 Annual Review have come from all areas of industry and this reflects the sense of unity of purpose.

“Wool and farming organisations provide contemporary perspectives on some of the issues that have dominated our great industry in the past year, including OJD, the fluctuating wool market, sheep sales, animal predation and other diseases and market pitfalls.”

The review includes updates from each state director, Australian Wool Innovation, Bayer and Animal Health Australia.

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