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cotton price
ICE Cotton Hits 150-year High, $2 Targeted for Next Week
2011-02-14 09:02
Cotton prices continue to skyrocket (India)
2011-02-12 10:02
US Spot Cotton Quotations: 7-Area Average 182.34-Feb 11
2011-02-12 09:02
High volatility in cotton market, Bremen CIF (Germany)
2011-02-11 09:02
ICAC’s paper describing movements in cotton prices at Seminar (USA)
2011-02-11 09:02
Cotton prices surge 16% in eight days (India)
2011-02-11 09:02
Cotlook Cotton Index Higher At 209.75 - Feb 10
2011-02-11 08:02
Tight cotton supply/demand situation to continue in 2011
2011-02-09 09:02
Cotton price trends – Going down memory lane
2011-02-09 09:02
China Cotton Daily Price (28 Jan 2011)
2011-01-29 08:01
China Cotton Market Daily(27 Jan 2011)
2011-01-28 08:01
China Cotton Daily Price (27 Jan 2011)
2011-01-28 08:01
China Cotton Daily Price (26 Jan 2011)
2011-01-27 08:01
Cotton Soars to Record as Chinese Demand Surges, Global Production Wanes
2011-01-26 08:01
China Cotton Daily Price (25 Jan 2011)
2011-01-26 08:01
China Cotton Daily Price (24 Jan 2011)
2011-01-25 08:01
China Cotton Daily Price (21 Jan 2011)
2011-01-24 08:01
China Cotton Spot Price(20 Jan 2011)
2011-01-24 08:01
China Cotton Daily Price (19 Jan 2011)
2011-01-20 09:01
China Cotton Daily Price (18 Jan 2011)
2011-01-19 08:01
China Cotton Daily Price (17 Jan 2011)
2011-01-18 08:01
China Cotton Daily Price (14 Jan 2011)
2011-01-17 08:01
The Cotton Rally Goes On
2011-01-14 09:01
China Cotton Daily Price (13 Jan 2011)
2011-01-14 08:01
China Yarn Market Daily(12 Jan 2011)
2011-01-14 08:01
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