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cotton price
Bremen cotton remains same as last week (Germany)
2012-07-20 09:07
Cotton prices keep the upturn in Brazilian market (Brazil)
2012-07-18 09:07
Bremen cotton index remains stable last week (Germany)
2012-07-13 08:07
Bremen cotton index experiences constant upward movement (Germany)
2012-07-06 09:07
Indian cotton prices rebound on increased demand (India)
2012-07-06 09:07
Cotton producers face grim prospects (China)
2012-07-05 09:07
Cotton enquiries of small volumes - Bremen (Germany)
2012-06-29 09:06
June 25th, 2012- Cotton Price Keeps Falling in Domestic Spot Market (China)
2012-06-26 09:06
Pricing row continues to trouble Zimbabwean cotton sector (Zimbabwe)
2012-06-20 09:06
Cotton prices move down in Brazil (Brazil)
2012-06-20 08:06
Declining global lint prices put polyester chain under pressure (Pakistan)
2012-06-19 08:06
NY cotton futures display mixed reactions this week (United States Of America)
2012-06-18 09:06
Bremen Index restrainedly pursues NY cotton futures (Germany)
2012-06-15 09:06
Cotton market boosted by attractive price level (Germany)
2012-06-11 09:06
Lower economy presses down cotton market in Brazil (Brazil)
2012-06-08 09:06
NY cotton futures displays mixed performance (United States of America)
2012-06-05 08:06
Cotton prices dip in anticipation of rise in global stocks (Global)
2012-06-05 08:06
Shankar-6 cotton prices skid in May (India)
2012-05-30 08:05
Zambia Cotton Board seeks early finalisation of price (Zambia)
2012-05-30 08:05
Zimbabwean ginners defend AMA over cotton prices (Zimbabwe)
2012-05-28 09:05
Cotton contracts daily data (China)
2012-05-24 09:05
CCI to procure cotton in AP if prices slip below MSP (India)
2012-05-10 09:05
Cotton prices continue to drop in Brazil (Brazil)
2012-05-08 09:05
Cotton prices where to go after purchase and reserve end
2012-05-03 08:05
Cotton prices firm up on support from Far East (Germany)
2012-05-02 09:05
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