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New R 60 sets new standard for productivity & efficiency

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-20 11:08:02  来源:fibre2fashion 收藏
The new automatic R 60 rotor spinning machine from Rieter can attain even higher rotor speeds than previously disclosed. With up to 170 000 rotations per minute of the rotor, a length of up to 540 spinning positions and up to 350 m/min delivery, the new generation of rotor spinning machines has now an even greater productivity potential.

After announcement of the production release of the R 60, more than 100 machines have already been sold. Detailed measurements at the customer’s premises have confirmed the anticipated savings of a further 5 % in energy consumption compared to the good values of the predecessor. The customer could increase the productivity by up to 5 % due to the improved technology of the S 60 spinning box. The 20 % quicker robots provide better efficiency.

Verified by these experiences, Rieter could now also increase the maximum rotor speed. Thus, with its productivity potential, the R 60 also covers possible increases anticipated through further development of the technological components.

The new R 60 can be viewed at the ITMA in Barcelona. Machines for all 4 spinning processes are in operation on the Rieter stand (Hall 1, section spinning machines, Stand No. 118-120).
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文章关键词: rotor spinning machine  R 60  Rieter 


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