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Rising demand for sustainable fibres & yarns

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-12-08 07:41:59  来源:ecotextile 收藏
BEIJING – The Yarn Expo China event, which takes place in Beijing in 2012, is expected to cater for the rocketing demand for textile products derived from regenerated stem fibres, plants and animal protein.

The exhibition, which will include a special focus on sustainable and innovative yarn and fibre materials, is described as the region’s “only specialised upstream yarns and fibre business platform that caters to this emergent market” and will take place at the China World Trade Centre from 29 – 31 March 2012.

The fair will focus on a range of products with natural and blended yarns at the forefront of buyer interest. According to visitor feedback taken in 2011, natural fibres and yarns including cotton, wool, flax/ramie are the most popular sourced items.

China's recent 12th five year plan focuses on the sustainable development and standardisation of renewable products derived from stem fibres, plants and animal protein as well as multi fibre blends by 2015.

In light of this new direction, many textile mills in China are expected to double their production capacities, resulting in a growing demand for raw yarn and fibre materials.

Demand for regenerated and synthetic man-made fibres and yarns including elastic, fancy and blended yarns are also on the rise. According to the latest statistics from CCPIT-TEX, regenerated fibre capacity is in urgent need of development with calls for more than 55 billion tons of regenerated cellulose fibres (bamboo and straw), 10 billion tons of regenerated polysaccharide fibres (crustaceans and marine shells), 13 – 15 billion tons of seaweed fibre resources and 500 billions ton of protein fibre resources.

Demand for multi-fibre blends that combine cotton and wool are also increasing as production rates are lower and they meet various requirements for product grades and specifications by different industry clients.

Yarn Expo is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, the Sub-Council of Textile Industry – CCPIT, China Cotton Textile Association, China Wool Textile Association, China Chemical Fibres Association, China Bast & Leaf Fibres Textiles Association, and China Textile Information Centre.

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文章关键词: Yarn Expo  sustainable fibres & yarns 


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