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"Textile Industry Twelfth Five Year Development Plan" issued

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-02-06 14:37:13  来源:CTEI 收藏

Recently, the “Textile Industry Twelfth Five Year Development Plan” (hereinafter “Plan”) has been issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, has been published to the public.

The Plan highlights the restructuring, innovation, brand building and sustainable development and other key content, is the guide of the development of textile industry and the program of action to achieve the target of building a powerful textile country during the Twelfth Five -Year .

According to “plan”, during the Twelfth Five-Year, large scale textile enterprises should achieve an average annual industrial added value growth of 8 percent. To the end of the Twelfth Five-Year, total exports reached $ 300 billion, an average annual increase of 7.5 percent; fiber processing of the textile industry should reach 51.5 million tons, an average annual increase of 4.5 percent.

Focus on development goals, “plan” put forward the nine tasks to accomplish for textile industry during the Twelfth Five-Year: to enhance capability of independent innovation and accelerate the pace of technological upgrading, strengthen quality management and brand building, strengthen energy saving and resource recycling use, the development of modern industrial clusters, optimize the industrial layout of the region, improve the level of internationalization, to strengthen human resource development, optimization of organizational structure and improve the management level.

The Plan defined the four key areas of development: new textile fiber materials industries, high-end textile equipment manufacturing, high-performance textiles, and traditional textile sub-sector. Chemical fiber which accounts for the proportion of the total process to reach 76 percent, chemical differential rate will increase to 60 percent. By 2015, more than 30 percent of the major textile machinery products reach the advanced international technical level over the same period. Textile fiber processing volume in 2015 reach 12.9 million tons, accounting for the proportion of the total fiber processing industry reach 25 percent.

“Chemical industry the twelfth five year development plan” and “Industrial textile twelfth five year development plan” is also published together.

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