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Teijin to launch anti-sweat comfort polyester fabric (Japan)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-15 09:42:34  来源:Teijin Fibers Limited 收藏

Teijin Fibers will launch the new fabric for all-season sportswear targeting the fall/winter 2013 and spring/summer 2014 seasos, as well as for casual wear and uniforms.

The new polyester fabric has a three-layer structure consisting of an inner, fully hydrophobic layer of moisture-repellant polyester fibers, a middle moisture-absorption layer and an outer moisture-diffusion layer.

Once sweat has been absorbed by the middle layer, the inner hydrophobic layer keeps moisture from returning to the skin to prevent the wearer from becoming chilled, and to prevent the fabric from sticking to the skin even when perspiring heavily.

The capillary-type pump action of the three-layer structure quickly absorbs and diffuses sweat to promote fast drying.

The water-repellant fibers incorporate a repellant agent in the raw yarn, unlike surface-treated fibers, so high performance is maintained even after repeated washing.

Teijin Fibers believes that its new polyester with all-round performance for total comfort when perspiring greatly expands upon the moisture-absorption and quick-drying functions of fabrics now on the market.

Teijin is a technology-driven global group offering advanced solutions in the areas of sustainable transportation, information and electronics, safety and protection, environment and energy, and healthcare.

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文章关键词: Teijin  anti-sweat  polyester fabric 


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